Huawei P20 and P20 Pro Huawei Launched its new P20 and P20 Pro smartphones on Tuesday. Huawei P20 and P20 Pro packs with 1. 68MP Triple camera with artificial intelligence functions, low light functionality and super slow-motion video recording. Cnet 2. Kirin 970 artificial intelligence chip. 3. Almost Bazeless display. Andriod Authority 4. Fingerprint sensor. 5. No headphone jack. 6. 3400 mAh Battery. 7. Andriod 8 Operating System 8. 4 GB Ram and 128 GB internal storage. The Chinese tech giant is looking to offer a device at a low cost that will compete with iPhone X and recently launched Samsung s9 and s9+. Popular smartphone companies such as Apple and Samsung are mainly focusing on the camera. Thus, the camera continued to be an area of focus where companies can compete with each other. Huawei is no backward in the competition. They are making every effort to...