Apart from creating awesome content and designing your blog at its best, the one thing to be concentrated on most is SEO or Search Engine Optimisation. Search Engine optimisation is the key to search engine traffic to your blog.
One of the important parts of Search Engine Optimisation is meta tags which play a vital role in getting your content visible to search engines like Google. Yahoo, Bing etc. Search engines use these meta tags to display your content against these search queries.
Most of the blogging platforms have a separate slot to add focus keywords or meta tags. However, in blogger, there is no such feature. So, you have to add it manually by editing your template HTML. In this tutorial, I m going to show you the top 2 ways to add meta keywords to your blog.
So, let us learn one of the basic parts of Search Engine Optimisation. Let us start with number 1
1. By adding meta keywords directly to blogger template HTML:
Adding meta keywords to blogger template HTML is quite easy. For this, you will need to add HTML code to blogger template for every individual post.
Add below code to your template right about the closing tag </body>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.url == “Your Blog post URL”>
<meta name=’keywords’ content=’Your Keywords For that particular blog post URL’ />
<meta name=’keywords’ content=’Your Keywords For that particular blog post URL’ />
Replace "your blog post URL" with your post URL and "your keywords for that particular post" with the focus or meta keywords you want to add to that particular post.
but, this method is not feasible, because if your blog has some 60 posts you will have to add this code 60times in your template. This will make your blogger template so big that it will instantly crash before loading. because blogger limits the size of the template. Thus, in the end, it will break your blog, so avoid this method at any cost.
2. Adding meta keywords using Google,s recommended meta tag ( Pushstate SEO )
A) This method is also known as Puschate SEO. This is a very highly SEO optimised technique mainly used for websites serving dynamic content through javascript or other client or server-based website scripts. Since Google and Yahoo do not crawl javascript content but with the help of this great method, these search engines will crawl. Before adding meta keywords for individual posts, we should have the Google crawler friendly meta tag for our blog.
for this add the below code after the opening <title> tag.
<meta name="fragment" content="!">
The above tag will scan the displayed content into parsed HTML. the tag will add a # at the end of blog post URL.
B) Serving Meta keywords with javascript.
This method can be used to serve lots of meta keywords, we only need meta keywords, so we will only use meta keywords. For this, Add the given below code right before the </head> tag.
<meta name="keywords" content="Add whatever you want or add some dummy keywords">
c) Now, add the below code to each of the blog posts in which you want to serve meta keywords. Replace "Add your blog posts respective keywords" with the post keywords.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('head').append( '<meta name="keywords" content="Add your blog posts respective keywords"/>' );
//**Script by Nadeem @ http://www.vinixen.com (Keep Intact)**
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('head').append( '<meta name="keywords" content="Add your blog posts respective keywords"/>' );
//**Script by Nadeem @ http://www.vinixen.com (Keep Intact)**
D) Since the about code is in Jquery, you will need to install JQuery in your blog. Add given below code just before the </head> tag in your blog template. If you have already installed JQuery on your blog then skip this step.
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
These are the two methods to add meta keywords in each of your blog posts. Method 2 is better and much easier than 1. so, I suggest you ignore method 1 at all costs and use method 2.
if you face any problem, ask me in the comments box below, I will help you to fix it out as soon as possible.
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